Lost in Transition

The nineteenth Hong Kong Writers Circle anthology, Lost in Transition, contains thirty unique pieces of poetry and fiction, all of which revolve around Hong Kong’s underground life support system. The MTR.

Within these pages, the people of our city criss-cross one another’s lines in an endless journey. They meet, they fight, they fall in love, and see ghosts. Our characters sway between heartbreak and elation, and everything in between, as they traverse the tunnels beneath our feet. Not only that, it turns out that the MTR is more than just a transit system… It can be a magic portal, a gateway to space, or the end of the line… in more ways than one.

So stand back, mind the gap, and please don’t find yourself lost in transition…

Lost in Transition is the second HKWC anthology edited by Stewart McKay. He was assisted by Sadie Kaye. The cover photo was taken by Kasra Shroff and the cover designed by Sadie and Philippe Joly.

Lost in Transition launched at the 2024 Hong Kong International Literary Festival on 6 Feb in a sold out event at the Jockey Club Theatre. Books were sold at the event and are now available for purchase via Bookazine and Amazon.

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